Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Bishop's Challenge

Our Bishop gave a pretty awesome talk on Sunday, not one you would expect to hear.  It was about health and getting in shape and how your physical fitness can effect our spirits.  I've never really put those two things together.  But I do want to share part of his talk that was pretty funny, and then the challenge that he gave us.

During part of his talk he mentioned he sees vehicles driving down the road that say "26.2" on them, meaning they are marathon runners.  Well, one particular vehicle that he saw said "I do 26.2" and he thought to himself "There's a marathon runner"  He got closer and stopped near the vehicle at the light, and realized that it said "I do 26.2... Oreos per quart of milk"

He issued a challenge to our ward, in which I'm going to participate

1.  Read the Book of Mormon as a family by July 24
2.  Attend the temple more, as it permits within your circumstances.
3.  Exercise on a regular basis
4.  Enter the Spanish Spaniard on July 24 (it's a 10K, or 6.2 miles)

Well, I'm up for the challenge.  I'm not going to be in town on July 24, so I'm not going to be able to enter the 10K, BUT I have set a goal to be able to run 6.2 miles by then.  And for me, that a LOT!!! I've never been able to run a mile in my life, even when I was at my fittest stage in life.  So there will be a large mental block for me to surpass in order for that to happen.

  If anyone else is up for the challenge, let me know!  I'm going to be walking in the morning, and sometimes in the evening.  It was good to see some of our ward members following what the Bishop counselled this morning!  My husband, who is definitely not someone who wakes up easily in the morning, actually got up and ran.

  I'm going to do my very best to do as the bishop says, and to add some more temple, scriptures, and exercise in my life!


Julie said...

Fun to see you this morning!

Terry and Christina said...

what a great challenge that is! I know that being active helps my overall mental spiritual and physical health too! I would love to go running with you in the mornings! Wish you didn't live so far away, it might be kinda hard to get together. But good for you!!!

DeeAnna said...

I'm excited about it too, it'll be good to see everyone doing this. If you want a partner, I'm willing!

Jodi said...

I was glad that I attended your ward that day - your bishop issued quite a challenge, but the whole stake young women presidency is going to do it! It's going to take a lot of postivie thinking and a lot of determination, but I'm excited!

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