Monday, December 15, 2008

McKinlee's First Words

McKinlee said her first word yesterday morning, very plain and clear looking at Kendrick just before she head-butted him. Her first word was dad! Just to give you a little update on our Slobber Monster as Kendrick calls her... She's doing awesome! She cruises like crazy in her walker and loves it... It's her new thing is to run as fast as she can and then whack into the wall or table or whatever is available to her... oh yeah she has a thing for bashing into garbage cans too. Our house is perfect for her since the entire upstairs only has one room with carpet... she can get all the concussions she wants! Here are some fun pictures of her in her walker.

Kendrick was putting up the Christmas tree and heard a whoosh and a pretty loud slam. He turned around to see that McKinlee had charged at the tree and smashed half of it into the wall. Here she is playing with the lights that he was hanging afterward...


Nikki said...

LOL I can totally see her doing this, since she does this at my house too. And the tree is not safe..I have first hand experience with that one too.

DeeAnna said...

She's so cute! Wow, and a first word (let alone the headbutt), she's growing so fast. The first Christmas that my older brother was getting around, my parents put the tree up into some elk antlers that were hanging on the wall so he couldn't get to it. So all you need are some elk antlers...